Many products come from a personal problem, and Child-Angel is no exception. When the creator’s child was lost for a short while in a shopping center, it got his mind going. He gathered a tech team and a design team to put together his idea to protect other families from the same panic he experienced.

Running on traditional GPS, Wi-Fi location and GSM, Child-Angel keeps track of your kid at all times. You can also setup geofences to alert you when they have gone somewhere they aren’t supposed to go. More importantly, the kid can trigger an alert if they are uncomfortable, simply by opening up the back part of the band.

The problem with many trackers is that they are not something that kids want to wear. Child-Angel solves this problem by making it more like a bracelet, with customizable covers that can be snapped on at will without exposing the electronics. Now, when they wake up, they can choose to wear a princess, racecar driver, or anything in between.

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